Funny Business comedy booking agency / Freddy Proia

Freddy Proia / Standup comics, comedians and comedy writers from the finest talent roster in Canada

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Freddy Proia

Freddy Proia

Freddy’s honest love for performing is evident each time he steps on stage, whether for an audience at a local community fundraising event or in a New York City Theatre.

Freddy is a seasoned professional who has performed to adoring audiences throughout North America in clubs and theatres. His high-energy performance and various celebrity impressions have made Freddy an audience favourite. He continues to delight fans by drawing his humour from life experiences and his Italian heritage.

Freddy has had the privilege of taking the stage at several prestigious theatres throughout North America including The Markham Theatre, The Sony Centre, The Toronto Centre for the Performing Arts, New Jersey Centre for the Performing Arts, Boston’s Emerson Majestic Theatre, Staten Island University Theatre, Hamilton Place, Kingswood Music Theatre at Wonderland, Brampton Rose Theatre, Mississauga Living Arts Centre, Queen’s University Theatre (NYC), Long Island University Theatre and many more.

Freddy prides himself on being a Corporate Friendly Stand-Up Comedian, who engages the audience with quick wit and clean humour. He is a true professional on and off the stage.

Freddy continues to receive accolades as a corporate comedian and master-of-ceremonies, having performed for Hewlett Packard, Imperial Oil, The Canadian Insurance Underwriters Association, Loomis Courier, London Life Insurance, Harvey's Restaurants, City of Toronto – Heritage Event,  Tim Horton's, The OLG Commission, RIM, Quebecor, Peller Estates Winery, the Ottawa Consumer's Choice Awards, The Canadian Liver Foundation, The Tourette Syndrome Foundation, the Canadian Miss Italia Pageant, Counterforce Security Systems, Apotex Pharmaceuticals, Vaughan Chamber of Commerce, CNIB Fundraising Event and many more.

Freddy is a true entertainer who genuinely has fun on stage. His energy and love for performing are contagious and will keep you buzzing long after the show.


"Freddy Proia was an absolute pleasure & a huge hit at our event! Much appreciated"

"One of the six speakers and performers was comedian Freddy Proia. His underlying theme was "that's my Toronto," telling stories and what we hope are made-up comedy bits from growing up in Scarborough and living across the city, each ending with the line "that's my Toronto." Some of the bits were especially funny, such as the GPS navigator changing its mannerisms based on the neighbourhood's ethnicity, or his tale of breaking a table at a restaurant on the Danforth."

"We are still getting comments about your brilliance and hilarity at the Great Toronto Roast. Your contribution to the celebrations was a terrific testament to our fine city. Heritage Toronto (and we) are very grateful for your tremendous performance."

"In Hamilton at the Yuk Yuk's, a comedian frequents there that makes great impressions of all the Simpsons characters. He does an amazing job of Joe Pesci and Robert Deniro from Goodfellas and many others. The guy is hilarious. His name is Freddy Proia."

"Proia walked calmly on stage and quickly placed the audience in the palm of his hand. The audience loved it"

"Proia was getting laughs -- "killing". as they say in the business."

"Markham's version of Robin Williams, Freddy Proia, kept the crowd in stitches"

"Freddy Proia dominated the stage in a fast-paced evening of stand-up comedy, imagination and quick wit"

"Fred was wonderful at our party. All our staff are still talking about him today at work... we appreciate the great show he put on (and the extra time he put in). We definitely will use him again in the future."

"WOW, what a show, Fred killed, and what a pro guy, not many out there like him. Always a pleasure, he is a true gentleman. First standing O we had this year."

“Freddie Proia was a riot, a hoot and very funny”

“Freddie Proia was hilarious delivering clean comedy that kept us in stitches”

“Freddie had our whole table in tears of laughter and I laughed so hard my face hurt.  Encore bring Freddie back next year!”

“Freddie controlled the room, walked around and entertained everyone with great impersonations and a quick wit”

"Freddy did a great job - he really had the crowd in laughter. He is quite the entertainer. We would not hesitate to recommend him or request him in the future."
-Kathleen L, AMI Network Services