Funny Business comedy booking agency / Comedians - Improv/Characters

Comedians - Improv/Characters / Standup comics, comedians and comedy writers from the finest talent roster in Canada

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Comedians - Improv/Characters

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Kevin Christopher
Known in the world of poker for cheating due to his viral YouTube video 'I Cheat'. Kevin Christopher is a Tim Simms award... MORE >
Kris LaBelle
Known as the "King of Calgary Comedy" Kris LaBelle's humour is based on keen social observations and endless imagination. He's a high energy performer with outstanding crowd work.... MORE >
Mike Lynch
Mike Lynch is one of the new faces of Canadian comedy. The star of Outhouse TV, his wide range of sketch characters, such as Cecil... MORE >
Sharon Mahoney
Sharon has been performing comedy world wide for over 20 years at festivals... MORE >